I’m trying to do weight painting suggested in the tutorial : Expressive Facial Rigging by Josh Sobel. His workflow involves selection of target vertices, adding weight of 1 to target joint, and applying proper smoothing with unneeded joints locked. Maya’s paint skin weights tool is barely enough so I want more.
- Better view of weight assignment.
- Quick switching between paint mode and selection mode.
- Sliders for quick test on translation / rotation.
- Working mirroring even with joints translated / rotated.
- Working mirroring even with RHS vertices assigned to LHS joints.
- Nice weight relaxation on selected vertices.
The last two weeks I’ve been creating and testing one, with the above (1) to (4) working. The initial idea was from the script sdd_weightTools ( by leifeng ). Feature (5) and (6) are actually nicely done in the script ngSkinTools ( by Viktoras Makauskas ). These two are harder to implement since they may involve python API. Hoping to learn it one day and have these integrated. I already have tons of tools messing around !