
Below are some of the tools I developed and use at work.

Container showing icons for quick browsing
My main biped auto-rig system
Another auto-rigging tool using modular approach
( For characters like robot having multiple limbs )
Automation of simulation and caching for shots with large amount of ZIVA characters
Facial setup tool using FACS and Jason Osipa’s Stop-Staring approach
Multi purpose tool for asset inspection and batch editing
1. Setup tool for Ziva human & horse
2. Shape creation tool for blendshape
3. Custom skin weighting tool
1. Export & baking Tool for game character
2. Quick viewport options tool
3. Custom shortcuts for daily work

3 Responses to Tools

  1. Download here
    folder Scripts/Startup

    editing some scripts I could make a utility for 3dsmax that can help with skinning.

  2. Kenneth says:

    hi there. thanks for the site.

    I have a question for you.. I am trying to extract blendshape delta information/data from a set of blendshapes so that I can reapply them to a different mesh with same topolgy.

    is this hard to do? I want to make a script/plugin so that I can reuse the deltas for different meshes (same topology). any help in pointing me to right direction will be appreciated. 🙂

    thanks in advance.